Pamietajcie, Dawno temu w dalekiej krainie, ten Accu, zmieniający postać władca ciemności rozpętał niewypowiedziane zło. Ale porywczy wojownik moderator wystapił przeciwko niemu. Zanim Accu zadał ostateczny cios John otworzył wrota bana i wtrącił go w przyszłość w której regulamin jest prawem. teraz ten głupiec poszukuje drogi do przeszłości aby zaprowadzić władzę Accu.
... Aha. Dobra Night. To jest just już twoje trzecie konto któro dostanie bana. Możesz w końcu się odwalić? Nikt tutaj ci nie wspułczuje i nie będzie. A ty tylko pokazujesz jak masz nasrane w psychice.
So making audiobooks from fanfiction even without permission, when we doing exactly the same for the fandome is justified thing. That is my opinion and my only.
To be honest i am a part of the group who uploads eppisodes of mlp to the web. We do not even ask hasbro for the perrmision, we doing, well, did that to the res. Cause goods of the many eccedes goods of the few. Or something like that.
Why you tell that to me? I only asked about vid. And maybe that sound bad but it is only your story. To full point of view i have to have his statement to. And according to you he was banned here. If I mention correctly Friendship is magic also tells somethimg about one sided stories. Episode with "Titanic" parody story, and Rarity dressed like one of the passenger.
My memory might be a bit foggy but i think it was run by a guy called "Night Shade" at least here on the forum. He managed to get himself a lot of enemies by breaking the copyrights of other fandom members. FE: making audiobooks of their stories without consent and posting them on youtube. After being confronted he started to accuse everyone around and playing the victim card. Those antics of his just showed people how mentally unstable the guy was. He got perma banned in here as well after illogically attacking another user. And going as far as using his father's death to bring him more pain and grief in his sick sense of justice. [The father of the guy he attacked to be clear]
Anyway, some time ago i taced down a panel with Korra Kossicka from DHX on EQD blog, but now the vid dissapeared. It was recorded on Middle Equestrian Convention in Warsaw by channel Twilights Library from Poland. Maybe you know what happened to the vid?